Physician Portal
Welcome Physicians!
We like to make our patients' experiences at our office as easy as possible. If one of your patients is coming to see us for medical imaging services, you can access our referring physician portal. View procedures, images, and results at the click of a button!
Having trouble logging in?
Click below to see our portal troubleshooting tips.
If you would like to get set up to gain portal access or have questions, please submit the form below.
Attention Physicians
We have transitioned from Ramsoft to EXA.
Action Required:
Login to the EXA Physician Portal using firstname.lastname as your username and the temporary password, Welcome123 (case sensitive)
Having trouble logging in? Click here
Provider Portal
Centrelake Imaging’s Provider Portal is a powerful, HIPAA compliant, zero-footprint, clinical image and report viewer that provides physicians easy access to studies via their smartphones, tablets, desktops, and touchscreen devices.
Providers can easily review radiology images and reports for their referred cases with a single easy sign-up. Multiple providers can opt to sign-up for group access which allows members of the group to view cases referred by anyone in the group.
Please contact our Provider Relations Department to sign up today at providerportal@centrelakeimaging.com.
Provider-to-Provider Single Study Access
Provider-to-Provider Sharing provides physicians with fast and secure temporary access to imaging records for a specific encounter. Instead of waiting for a CD to be mailed to your office (which can take several days), you can promptly receive secure, temporary access within minutes of your request. The images are of diagnostic quality (i.e., uncompressed) and can be viewed and downloaded in its original diagnostic format (DICOM).
Please contact our Medical Records Department during normal business hours for more information at 909-242-7300, Option 2.